Matthew Taub, MD
Impression imaging has consistently provided my office and our patients accurate and timely imaging testing and interpretations including with short notice. I have found their work to be superior to many other free standing facilities. Additionally, their testing and interpretations are not delayed by the cumbersome policies and inefficiencies of many hospital systems as they can be plagued by dysfunctional bureaucratic policies and high costs.
A timely and accurate report for an imaging study can afford an oncologist /hematologist, such as myself, an opportunity to more readily prescribe an accurate treatment plan which is of the upmost importance. One should remember that an untreated malignancy is a growing and possibly metastasizing malignancy. Furthermore, their customer service which our office receives is simply unparalleled and our patients express happiness with their care, efforts, and turn-around time. I therefore would recommend Impression Imaging as a premier center without reservations or hesitancy. I find that I have a proclivity to work more frequently with a center of excellence especially because I lament the inefficiencies of so many other organizations, including many hospital systems.